
03-09-95: Boston United (a) 1-0 (HT 1-0) Crowd (3,165)
Shirt No. | Player Name | Goals Scored | | | |
Leeds United: | | | | | |
1. | Lukic, John | | | | |
2. | Bowman, Robert | | | | |
3. | Dorigo, Tony | | | | |
4. | Ford, Mark | | | | |
5. | Pemberton, John | | | | |
6. | Wetherall, David | | | | |
7. | White, David | | | | |
8. | Tinkler, Mark | | | | |
9. | Masinga, Phil | | | | |
10. | Whelan, Noel | | | | |
11. | Couzens, Andy | | | | |
Boston United: | | | | | |
1. | Bastock, Paul | | | | |
2. | James, Chris | | | | |
3. | Hardy, Martin | | | | |
4. | Sterland, Mel | | | | |
5. | Walker, Des | | | | |
6. | Curcuit, Steve | | | | |
7. | Strachan, Gordon | | | | |
8. | Appleby, Steve | | | | |
9. | Bright, Mark | | | | |
10. | Varadi, Imre | | | | |
11. | Brown, Phil | | | | |
(Player Details)
For Leeds, Mark Beeney replaced John Lukic in goal, Paul Beesley replaced John Pemberton at Centre Half and youngsters, Jamie Forrester, Kevin Sharp and Matthew Smithard came on for Robert Bowman, David White and Phil Masinga. For Boston Mark Smith replaced Mel Sterland at Right Half and Andy Gray replaced Steve Curcuit at Left Half and Melsom replaced Steve Appleby at Inside Right, in a side which was bolstered by the newly signed Imre Varadi and guests Gordon Strachan, Des Walker and Mark Bright.