
09-08-86: Halifax Town (h) 3-0 (HT 1-0) Crowd (2,308)
Shirt No. | Player Name | Goals Scored | | | |
Leeds United: | | | | | |
1. | Day, Mervyn | | | | |
2. | Aspin, Neil | | | | |
3. | Caswell, Brian | | | | |
4. | Snodin, Ian | | | | |
5. | Hazell, Bob | | | | |
6. | Rennie, David | | | | |
7. | Buckley, John | | | | |
8. | Sheridan, John | | | | |
9. | Edwards, Keith | 2 (24' 1-0 67' 3-0) | | | |
10. | Ashurst, Jack | | | | |
11. | Ritchie, Andy | 1 (64' 2-0) | | | |
Halifax Town: | | | | | |
1. | Roche, Paddy | | | | |
2. | Fleming, Paul | | | | |
3. | Brown, Phil | | | | |
4. | Shaw, Adrian | | | | |
5. | Knill, Alan | | | | |
6. | Galloway, Michael | | | | |
7. | Sanderson, Paul | | | | |
8. | Thornber, Steve | | | | |
9. | Diamond, Barry | | | | |
10. | Longhurst, Dave | | | | |
11. | Robinson, Dave | | | | |
Ronnie Sinclair replaced Mervyn Day in goal, John Stiles came on at Right Back in place of Neil Aspin and Russell Doig replaced John Buckley at Outside Right.
Nigel Thompson and Peter Swan remained unused on the Leeds bench and Goalkeeper Phil Whitehead and Russ Black, Jim Willis, Dean Martin and Gary Nicolson were on the Halifax bench. Mr T. Simpson of Sowerby Bridge was the referee. (Courtesy of the Teamsheet supplied by Steve Barnes).
Teamsheet: Courtesy Steve Barnes
Match Report: Courtesy Mark Ledgard